Astonishing - affectionate Finland

10 september 2012 - Helsinki, Finland

Some of you might already have seen them: we uploaded some photos of Finland a few days ago, but never had the time, nor the chance really to write something about it!

Instead of doing the normal tourist stuff (we both had been to Helsinki before), Jenni (our friend we met in Bergen in 2005) took us out to the summer place of her parents, on the island Vaakua, near Turku/Uusikaupunki. A 2,5 hour drive from Helsinki, but definitely worth it!!! The last piece is only reachable by (private) boat, and Jenni's dad was so kind to pick us up, right before the rain started! We enjoyed great food (lucky that they just had the annual summer party there and we could eat what was left :-D; definitely enough to feed an ever hungry Dutch-German couple). I think we ate more than a whole apple pie :-D Good stuff, as well as the "meat in brown sauce" :DDD. We were welcomed so warm and heartful as if we are family and even though we couldnt talk so much it just felt good!!

And what to do best when it is getting cold outside? A real Finnish sauna, heated by firewood, we (Jenni and Jan) actually ignited the fire :)). The smell is just awesome. and of course, the obliged afterwards-swimming-in-the-sea-jump to cool down. (Allright, we know many of you think we are definitely crazy now :-D). Real first Finnish Sauna in our life, totally unexpected, best surrounding ever and afterwards grinning across the whole face and in the end sleeping like a baby!! :D

The summer place is a little jewel in the middle of the forest, so the next day after enjoying a magnificient breakfast we had a chance to go mushroom and berry hunting again. Most likely the last possibility of our trip :( And we found chanterelles again - the biggest lot so far - we left half of them unpicked because they looked a little wet and still got more than a kg - enough to cook a whole meal out of it with the recipe of our Norwegian friends! Perfect!!!!

I think we only spent 24 hours outside of the city, but it felt like a week. We felt full of energy, all batteries recharged. It probably confirmed again that we are outdoor-loving-people who feel comfortable outside than inside a city :) at least with the right company!! :)))) Thanks Jenni!! These few days felt like home and we so close...marvellous to catch up after 6 years!! and being closer than ever!!! Was really difficult for us to leave as it might be the last time with good friends for the next months!! We'll see...

So instead of strawling around (grey? :-D) Helsinki we had a fantastic insight and feel/encounter with finnish folks which gave us a totally different picture of what we have seen/known of finnish people before!!! They might be reserved but not cold or emotionless :)) They can even hug firm and honest!! :)) Thanks!! Also for the liquorice ice!!

So it was only a short visit, but one with intense moments and a lot of catching up memories again. Sounds like time for a reunion with more Bergen-people :-)

Thanks again Jenni, for a wonderful time with you and your parents! Kitos!! :)
